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1-2-3 A Calmer Me: Helping Children Cope When Emotions Get Out of Control by Colleen Patterson, Claire Keay (Illustrator)

1-2-3 A Calmer Me introduces readers to a simple rhyming mantra to help children slow down their immediate reactions and replace them with responses that are more comforting. Based on the psychological principles of relaxation and mindfulness, the mantra can be used anywhere, anytime. Includes a Note to Parents, Teachers, and Other Grown-Ups with more information about the steps of the 1-2-3 rhyme and advice for working on them together with your child.

10 Grounding Techniques for Kids from Counselor

Help kids manage worry with these 10 grounding exercises presented by Includes the following activities: 4-3-2-1 Senses, 5-4-3-2-1 Sights; A-B-C Around the Room; Be a Tree and Power Hug, Object Focus, I am Here Hand Trace, Reorientation, Stomp Stomp Blow, Room Search.

10 Multicultural Children’s Books to Help Build Self-esteem from Colours of

You cannot truly love others if you don’t love yourself. Healthy self-esteem is the foundation for resilience, compassion and joy. The multicultural children’s books on this list can be a great support in building children’s self-esteem!

10 Parenting Strategies for Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Are you racking your brain on parenting strategies for Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)? Do you know a child with ODD and you want more information? Here are ten parenting strategies that are proven to be effective.

10+ Self-Awareness Activities for Kids from

Self-awareness is having a strong understanding of who you are. This is the first of five core domains of social emotional learning. Self-awareness comes first for an important reason, especially when teaching these important SEL skills to children and teens. If we want kids and young adults to effectively manage their behaviors, work best with others, and problem-solve through life’s challenges, they need to have an accurate understanding of their own actions first. This is where self-awareness comes in. Below is a list of over 10 fun, interactive, and meaningful self-awareness activities for children and teens 

100 Art Therapy-related exercises by Shelley Klammer

Counseling Therapist and Expressive Arts Educator, Shelley Klammer has researched current links that reflect the most inspiring art therapy directives on the internet today.

100 coping strategies for anger, anxiety and more

Get your free printable list of 100 Coping Strategies here. Use this quick guide to help teach, practice, and choose the best coping strategies. It can be a fun and positive activity to read through the list and choose coping strategies to practice.

100+ Multicultural Play Figures

The Colour of Us offers a list with images of 100+ multicultural play figures.

100+ Social Skills Activities For Preschoolers by Kiddie

Kiddie has compiled a list of social skills activities for preschoolers to help teach young children how to get along with others, how to make and keep friends, and how to effectively communicate their emotions.  

11 Incredible Strategies to Improve Sibling Relationships from the

Making sure the kids are getting along is probably one of the biggest challenges you will face as a parent. At times it might feel like breaking up fights is all you do. But if you put in the time and invest in your children’s relationships, it will most definitely pay off. And these 11 incredible strategies will help you improve sibling relationships in your family in no time. This article also includes a selection of relevant children's books related to this topic. 

12 Games to Practice Self-Control from The Pathway 2

Self-control is our ability to stop and think before making decisions. This involves taking a pause when our emotions want to take over so we can think through the situation, consider solutions, assess the consequences, and move forward with the best choice in that scenario. Self-control is particularly difficult executive functioning skill for kids and young adults. Games are a great technique for practicing self-control skills because they are instantly fun and interactive. The Pathway 2 provides a list of 12 games and how to use them to help children practice self-control. The list includes some commonly known games as well as several original games such as Self-Control Speedway, GuardDuty, and Social Problem Solving Board Game. 

12 Mini Mindfulness Activities for kids –free download

Mindfulness, which is simply a technique to pay attention to the present moment, is being taught worldwide and increasingly to children! It’s a hot topic… …and for a good reason, from the moment we are born, mindfulness can keep anxiety and stress under control and promote a happy life. Emerging research suggests the many benefits of practicing mindfulness for children. Check out the free download from which offers 12 mini mindfulness activities for children. Inside find information on what mindfulness is, how it benefits children, how to teach it and specific mindfulness activities.

13 Playful Check in Prompts for Teens That Won't Talk from Ann Meehan, LPC, RPT-S

Have you ever sat down across from a teen client and as you are checking in about the week you hear… crickets.  One word answers.  I don't know. ​And as much as you try to meet them where they are at, build rapport, and increase engagement sometimes it feels like you have hit a brick wall. Ann Meehan  LPCC, ​RPT-S™  shares a resource with you to help you re-energize up your check-in time during your teen therapy sessions with questions they might actually want to answer and can lead to deeper processing!This absolutely FREE resource will give you 13 playful check in prompts for teens that won't talk!

14 Tips to Help All Kids Learn to Manage Anxiety Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP and Pamela Crooke, PhD, CCC-SLP

We help our kids learn math, science, history, and how to prepare for things like tests and fire drills, etc. But for some reason we don’t proactively teach them strategies to understand and manage the anxieties that are an inevitable part of life. A broader pool of interventionists should be equipped to teach proactive strategies for helping kids learn to manage their anxiety. Realistically, we could all benefit from learning strategies to manage life’s daily stressors—whether we have a diagnosis or not. Read on for 14 strategy tips.

145 Sensory Calming Activities from Sensory Processing Disorder Parents

Sensory Calming Activities provide sensory input and they help your child stay calm, self regulate and be less fidgety. These sensory calming activities will also reduce your child's stress and anxiety too. Children with Sensory Processing Disorder should have sensory breaks throughout the day to fill their sensory diet. Sensory calming activities will also help your child when they are feeling restless, anger and frustration. Sensory calming activities can also be helpful to prevent meltdowns. Check out Sensory Processing Disorder Parents's extensive list of 145 sensory calming activity ideas.

15+ Positive Affirmations Activities for Kids and Teens from Pathway 2

Positive affirmations are the encouraging words we say to encourage and motivate ourselves along the way. These are phrases like, “I can do this,” and “Today will be a great day.” Seemingly simple words that have a big impact on our minds. Pathway 2 provides 15+ Positive Affirmation Activities for Kids and Teens and which can be easily adapted for use with older teens. 

16 Important Books for Kids About Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is a common and often inevitable part of family life, but it doesn’t have to be a source of constant conflict and stress. These 16 books for kids about sibling rivalry are a great resource for helping your children learn how to navigate their relationships with their siblings in a healthy, positive way.

20 Diverse and Multicultural Toys to Encourage Inclusivity

Kids are like little sponges that soak up everything in the world around them. Your child might not be able to discuss the latest C-SPAN hearing just yet (and really, who can?) but in general, kids are far more perceptive and incisive than we give ‘em credit for—and they are learning everything from what they witness and what they play with. So, should you include multicultural toys in your kid’s growing collection of playthings? Absolutely. Here are some of the best multicultural toys around to help introduce your little to concepts of inclusivity and neighborly love.

20 Free Minimal Supply Tele-Health Activities for Children by Ann Meehan

Ann Meehan created a list of minimal supply activities to use for tele-health with children. The activities involve supplies that all families likely have on hand at home!

20 Therapeutic Activities For Teens To Increase Positive Thinking Reviewed by Michelle Kais (LMFT) Written by Sagari Gongala

Teenagers go through a series of socio-emotional and physical changes, which can be hard to deal with by themselves. Therapeutic activities for teens refer to a range of interesting activities that would be beneficial to work on their behavior, thinking, and self-identification. To overcome self-doubt, anxiety, loneliness, and more, engaging in these activities will help them rejuvenate and be a great stressbuster. Therefore, here’s a list of such activities to help your teen. Read on to learn more. Therapy Activities For Teenagers Individual Therapy Activities For Teens Group Therapy Activities For Teens Art Therapy Activities For Teens Music Therapy Activities For Adolescents Family Therapy Activities For Teens

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